Posted at 08:29 PM in Digital Stamps, Vera Lane Studios | Permalink | Comments (0)
since I have been on here and posted anything. A lot has happened. A LOT.
I was talking to my therapist today and she said that I should start writing a blog. I kinda laughed to myself because I happen to have a blog, this blog. I didn't tell her that but I thought to myself...why the hell not? Why shouldn't I share some of the crap that I have been going through? I mean, maybe someone else will benefit from it...or not...or maybe they will just get a laugh, who knows, right?? So let's do this...
On December 15, 2019 I lost my husband. He passed away unexpectedly. I will circle back to this another time because honestly, I am not in the right frame of mind to share it now. I can tell you that it has been HARD. Between the loss of Robert, COVID, the election and every emotion possible... 2020 was a real shit year for me. BUT...there was a light. My light. While swimming around in all shit of 2020 I found a light in myself and decided to concentrate on taking care of myself mentally and physically. I lost over a 100lbs last year. WHAT??? I know, I still say that too and I still think that when I look in the mirror but that is for another post. Right now, what I want to talk about is the shit people out there called scammers. LOL
Stop. Listen to what I have to say before you go and start passing judgement on me. I have been lonely. LONELY. Oh, I have friends and family but what I don't have? Is my husband. The guy that used to make me laugh, the guy that used to listen to me and give me a different perspective on things. The guy that would sit there, listen and give me unwanted advice at times because let's face it, guys just want to fix things. Bless his heart, he would try and I would be like..."no, that's not what I want from you. I just want you to sit quietly, listen to what I have to say and then hold me when I am done." I wasn't asking for much, right? LOL
Anywho, a few months back some random guy DM'd me on Instagram. I never respond to those DM's because let's face it, they are always fishing for something or just want to talk dirty or whatever. So, I had a weak moment and I went ahead and responded for shits & giggles. I did it to ENTERTAIN myself...and it did. Oh it did. I was laughing and smiling and telling everyone how this good looking hispanic guy was all over my messages. It was hilarious. He was a civil engineer and his name was Williams. I knew he was a scammer. I was just waiting for him to ask me for whatever he was going to ask me for. Sure enough, a couple weeks into our exchanges he asks if I will give him my cell phone account login so that he can activate his cell phone. I was like "are you kidding me?" His response? "But baby, c'mon, I am so busy and I can't get to the store to do it. I will pay you back." I told him "no." And I was firm about it. I even told him how dare he spoil my fun by pulling that shit. Needless to say, he disappeared from my DM's and I never heard from him again. Oh well.
THEN...I met another guy. He left me a message on one of my Instagram posts and said something sweet. Well, I didn't know who he was so I reached out to him and slipped into his DM. I know, so bold of me, huh?? LOL Well, this guy, he was something else. Said all the right things, super sweet, into fitness, made me laugh & giggle, etc. He took my mind off of my grieving. If you have ever grieved a spouse you know how awful it is. You are constantly reminded of what you no longer have. Whether you walk into the room where he always sat, walk by where his truck used to be parked, lay in the bed that he used to lay next to you in...it is CONSTANT and it is devastating. You are reminded EVERY SECOND of the hole in your heart. It doesn't matter where your relationship was when the person passed or what was going on, you lost your partner. You lost the person you said you would love for the rest of your life and now? Now you no longer have that person. You no longer have your best friend. So for me to have a distraction? It was a welcome one. Well, it was welcome until Christmas time came and I sent him a Christmas card to the address he gave me. The address he said was his. The address that belongs to some lady named Pam Pester who found me on Facebook and messaged me to tell me that the guy I was talking to was a SCAMMER and that she had been talking to him for 3+ years. WHAT. THE. HELL? I know. I KNOW. Needless to say, I had to confront him. Oh yeah, totally. How dare he? How dare he do that to me? KNOWING that I was a widow and lost my husband not even a year ago. He denied everything. What's new, right? They have an answer for everything.
The problem with this? I liked the guy. Now that I look back though, there were red flags everywhere but I CHOSE to ignore them because like I said, he took my mind off of Robert and grieving. I was upset, I am not going to lie and then all the feelings and emotions that I suppressed over Robert came rushing back TEN FOLD. It was awful. You thought I cried before? Shit, that was nothing. It was like I was grieving all over again. So what do my friends do? God love them, they encouraged me to do an online profile for a dating app. I wasn't sure I was ready to date but I was ready to talk to a guy. I mean, if the IG guy hadn't given me that stupid address that wasn't his, I would still be in my happy place. Happily pushing aside my grief. Okay, I know, it's not healthy, but really? You are going to lecture me on something that actually made me smile & giggle for a month? Please. I don't want to hear it.
So I go on these two dating apps and... I HATE IT. Oh my goodness, I have never experienced so much anxiety in my entire life. I felt like a piece of meat. It was ridiculous! I knew I had to get off these sites. I wasn't ready to date. I am NOT ready to date. I know that much now. LOL But get this...I am closing down my profiles and I get messages from three guys...Mike, James & Julian. All nice guys, all chatting me up. I pull down my profile and continue talking with these 3 guys. Hold up, don't judge. IT WAS CHATTING. Nothing else. Sheesh. Anywho, within a couple of days Mike & James were out of the picture but Julian? Ohhhh, he got me. Just like my IG dreamboat he said all the right things, asked all the right questions and get this...he was a WIDOWER too! WHAT? I know. I was like, okay, I'd like to get to know more about this guy. Even if all we do is chat? I am down for this. Well...clearly my lie-dar (radar for lies) is clearly broken and I am completely naive about this whole "getting to know someone" thing because he was a friggin' scammer too! Why in the heck are there scammers on dating apps? Oh wait...it's a cesspool of vulnerable people just wanting to connect with someone. Good golly Miss freakin' Molly. People suck. No, not all of them but the ones I have had interactions with over the last couple of months wanting to chat me up? They all suck. ALL OF THEM. And for the record? I am no longer naive. I am no longer going to tolerate this crap. I am mad. None of them were worth my tears or any of my time. So here is my middle finger...do you see it? Cause it has all of their names written ALL. OVER. IT.
And that my friends is what I have been up for the last 60+ days.
And for the record? AMAZON does not deliver Mr. Right. Nope. Can't even order him. And free shipping for having PRIME? Not available. WTH? I thought we could get EVERYTHING on Amazon??? I guess not...sheesh...
Alright, I am off like a prom dress. Have a great night, it's good to be back.
See yah, Karrie
Posted at 08:41 PM in My Life as I know it | Permalink | Comments (0)
More Flora & Fauna...I was getting hippy with the hippo. LOL The little saying is from the "Under the Sea" set and the remaining stamps are from "Mermaid Animals." I think the paper is from My Favorite Things. It was an impulse buy that I am happy I made. You can never have too many chevron papers, right? 😁
Random...I am in the middle of a 4 day weekend and I am wondering what I did with myself the first two days. Why does time go so fast when you want to stop and/or slow down & enjoy it? Drives me crazy. I guess I will just have to make the most of the weekend, right? RIGHT.
Alright, I am off to make some breakfast. Have a stellar day!
stamps: Mermaid Animals & Under the Sea from Flora & Fauna
inks: Black Momento, Copics & SU! Ink Pads
paper: DP from My Favorite Things, White
misc: Circle Die, Mermaid Animals Dies from Flora & Fauna
Posted at 08:41 AM in Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
Finally put down my Copic Markers and picked up my watercolor paints. Talk about relaxing! Making mistakes is encouraged with watercoloring, I think that's why I like it so much. It doesn't have to be perfect. And the messier it is? Sometimes the better! LOL
I made this sweet little card with Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna. These stamps are just the sweetest. I know I am gaga over them because they are new but I really think these are going to be long time faves! For instance, this whale is too much. I absolutely adore the little grin on his face or at least that's what I think it is. 😁
Random...I am having issues motivating myself to go to work. To lose weight. To do simple chores. I'm not depressed, I know how I am when I am like that I just think I am searching for something. Something else. Something different. Something that sparks everything to life for me. Stamping has definitely done that these past few months and I am sooooo thankful for that but I need that "thing" that makes a person excited to go to work again. Maybe it's time that I look for another job? I can't believe that I am not feeling challenged at work but maybe that's it. Maybe I need something more in the workplace. Maybe that will entice me to care more about myself, my physical well being? Hmmm...things to think about.
Alright, I am going to go work on a card. My Mom gave me an idea tonight so I am going to run with it and see what I come up with. OMG. I JUST HAD A HOT FLASH. BLOODY HELL that was HOT! Even made me sweat on my forehead & upper lip a bit. Sheesh. Getting older SUCKS. LOL
Okay, okay, I am outta here. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have an amazing night!!
stamps: Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna
inks: Versafine Black & Watercolors
paper: Purple, Light Purple, Watercolor Paper & White
misc: Dies, Glitter Pen
Posted at 08:50 PM in Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
The newest release from Avery Elle is the BOMB! Omg, I can't believe all the fun goodies they came out with, this set included. It's basically border stamps with Bears, Cats & Dogs. You can put different sayings within the little signs and bam...card done. You can even cut the little border and put them in a smaller frame (I've seen a couple of cards like that and they are TOO CUTE!).
Random...but...did your weekend fly by? Hubs & I were on top of it Saturday morning and got all of our errands done. As soon as we got home though? It went downhill FAST. I mean FAST. We were going to update our landscaping lights for the walkways and then install some new flood lights...did that get done? Nope, Robert took a nap and as soon as I saw that and finished putting the groceries away I sat down, watched a couple of my shows and before you knew it, I was napping too. So typical. And today? Worthless. I worked on a Prismacolor Pencil chart & felt pretty accomplished but then quickly realized I was missing several pencils. What the heck? UGH!
Anywho, I better hit the sack. I have to work tomorrow and my "to do" list is growing because of my laziness over the weekend.
See you all later & thanks for stopping by!
stamps: All of Us from Avery Elle
inks: Black Momento & Copics
paper: White, Black & DP is from My Minds Eye
misc: Matching All of Us Dies from Avery Elle
Posted at 10:22 PM in Avery Elle | Permalink | Comments (0)
I think I am obsessed with Mermaids. Especially these Mermaids from Flora & Fauna. I mean, c'mon, they are the SWEETEST! I ❤️ them!
And that awesome die? Uh, hello Avery Elle, you are AMAZING! That is one of the COOLEST dies EVER! ❤️❤️❤️
I am up a little later than usual tonight. I told my hubby I had some stuff to get done but really? I am back here posting to the ole blog and surfing the web looking for sneak peeks of New Releases from Flora & Fauna, Kindred Stamps, etc. These guys are killing me. And paycheck? Take it. It's yours. Sheesh.
Alright, I better get. I need to check Instagram and see if they have posted anything else before I hit the sack. LOL
I hope you all have an amazing day tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!
stamps: Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna
inks: Black Momento & Copics
paper: Taken with Teal, White
misc: Glitter Pen, Brads & Waves Die from Avery Elle
Posted at 09:03 PM in Avery Elle, Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
She celebrated a birthday at the beginning of the month and this is the funny little card I made her. Remember when I said that I have to make my own sayings sometimes? Well, this was one of those cards. The "be yourself" saying was printed from my computer as well as a the "Have a magical birthday" on the inside.
I am telling you, these sets from Flora & Fauna and just too stinking' CUTE! I have too many fave stamp companies right now. I can't handle it. Wait until you see all the cards I have made. CRAZY! But... I am lovin' EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
I meant to post this card yesterday but I was over at my friend Dana's house stamping up a storm.By the time I got home it was time to eat and then I was falling asleep on the couch...you know...dozing off while watching tv...yep, that was me. LOL
Anywho, I just finished working on my budget & am ready to hit the sack. I hope you have an amazing night & I will see you tomorrow!
stamps: Animal Mermaids from Flora & Fauna
ink: Black Momento & Copic Markers
paper: DP from My Favorite Things, White, Purple
misc: Sequins & Glitter Pen
Posted at 10:09 PM in Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
This card was made using Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna. I couldn't find the saying I wanted so I printed "Birthday Fishes" on my Cricut Maker and added it to the card. I am finding that I am doing that more & more. I have so many GREAT stamps but there aren't enough sayings or not what I am looking for. Wait till you see the Llamacorn card I made tomorrow. You will see what I mean. LOL
I added a bunch of little "things" to this card. I used my glitter pen on the hat & parts of the Seahorse, some glossy effects on the bubbles and sand dollar and then added some large glitter flakes to the sand at the bottom of the bottle. It has just the right sparkle. 💖
Random: I don't know about you but my Saturday has already been a busy one! I had to drop Chewie off at the groomers this morning because he was looking a little rough. Picked up some breakfast, came home and then started picking up because my house cleaner is coming today. WOOHOO!! I am soooo looking forward to a clean house! I am also looking forward to stamping and/or crafting the rest of the day! LOL
Well shoot, the groomers just called and the boy is ready to be picked up. I better get moving. Hope you have a great day & I will see you tomorrow!
stamps: Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna
inks: Black Momento & Copics
paper: White, Baja Blue
misc: Glossy Effects, Glitter Pen, Glitter Flakes, Cricut Maker & Pattern Tracer
Posted at 10:27 AM in Cricut Maker, Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
Another Christmas card? YESSSSSS...this is the last one for awhile though...I think. Maybe. Maybe not. LOL
I used those funny Holiday Grumplings from Taylored Expressions for this card. The sayings are classic and constantly make me laugh. I can't wait to send these out at Christmas. I will get them sent out BEFORE Christmas this year (positive reinforcement)!! LOL
So tonight I am whipping up a birthday card for a co-worker. I have it all planned out. Just hoping it comes out the way I have it laid out in my head. Keep good thoughts for me. 😁
I better get busy, have a great night & thanks for stopping by!
stamps: Holiday Grumplings from Taylored Expressions
ink: Black Momento & Copic Markers
paper: White, Red & DP
misc: Die from My Favorite Things, Glitter Pen
Posted at 08:17 PM in My Favorite Things, Taylored Expressions | Permalink | Comments (0)
"Stuck On You"
Posted at 07:02 PM in Avery Elle | Permalink | Comments (0)
This set from Flora & Fauna is sooooo much FUN! You can make any of the animals into MERMAIDS! WhAt??? I know. I know. Isn't it every Panda's dream to be a mermaid? I think so. It's my dream too. To be able to have my thighs touch & no one can see it? AWESOME! LOL
I made another card similar to this one with a single Pandamaid. See below...
This one I made a video of talking about he/she wanted to be a mermaid. It was so funny. Cracked me up for days. I tried sharing it on here but for whatever reason I can't get it to work. What can I say? I am not all that tech savvy. LOL
Anywho, hope you enjoy the two-fer tonight. Thanks for stopping by!
stamps: Animal Mermaids from Flora & Fauna
ink: Black Momento & Chalk Inks
paper: DP from American Crafts, White
misc: QK Circle Die, Sequins & Glitter Pen
Posted at 09:56 PM in Flora & Fauna | Permalink | Comments (0)
I totally CASE'd this card from Yainea for Avery Elle. I knew I had to make this card as soon as I saw it posted on the Avery Elle Facebook photos page. I am a HUGE Walking Dead fan and pretty much love all things Zombie. I even made duplicates of this card (which I never do) so that I would have a few on hand. Get it? Hand?!? LOLOLOL
This fun set is Hats Off from Avery Elle. I think it may be retired now but if you come across it...snatch it up! You will love it!
Okay, I am outta here. I am watching the Grammy's and the Dolly tribute just came on. Who doesn't love Dolly??? 😁
Thanks for stopping by!
stamps: Hats Off from Avery Elle
inks: Black Momento, Copic & Watercolors
paper: Gable Green, White
misc: Die from My Favorite Things, Letters for Caaake cut out with Cricut
Posted at 07:07 PM in Avery Elle, My Favorite Things | Permalink | Comments (0)
I stumbled on a new stamp company (I should clarify...it is new to ME) on my Instagram feed...Flora & Fauna. They have the CUTEST whimsical stamps and I love that they look hand drawn. I am totally drawn to them. Plus the Mermaid sets? ADORBS!!! You must go check them out!
So I made this sweet little card using the Mermaid Kisses set from Flora & Fauna. I don't think this one had matching dies. I still had to have it though. Matching dies or not. LOL
I stayed pretty simple with this one. Nothing really out of the ordinary other than masking the bottle so that I didn't stamp outside of it. I think that was the only "tricky" thing I did. Other than that, it's an easy peasy one for the book. 😁
I don't really have much to say tonight. I am actually a little tired today. I was up early working some OT for the j-o-b that pays the bills. Tomorrow I have another full day with chores & such. I may have a work just a few more OT hours but nothing like today (thank goodness). I also told Robert, Hubs, that I have no intention of cooking so if he wants something special he better get on it. LOL
Alright, I am outta here. Have a great evening & thanks for stopping by!
stamps: Mermaid Kisses from Flora & Fauna
inks: Black Momento & Copic Markers...ohhh &
paper: White, Pumpkin
misc: Rectangle Stitch Die from My Favorite Things
Posted at 10:30 PM in Flora & Fauna, My Favorite Things | Permalink | Comments (0)
First off... how friggin' AWESOME is that DP paper in the background? It is literally COVERED in glitter flakes. The stuff gets everywhere but who cares, it looks amazing!
The saying is from amuse (another old one, sorry) and this is the same sweet Mermaids set from Avery Elle. Speaking of Avery Elle, have you seen the sneak peeks of the new release? Gosh darn it, it's making me want to buy more stamps. LIKE I NEED MORE STAMPS. UGH!
Okay, I am going to check out and see if I can't get a card made or maybe some coloring before I hit the sack .
Have a great one!
stamps: Mermaids from Avery Elle & Saying from amuse
inks: Black Momento & Copic Markers
paper: White, Yellow, Green & Sparkly DP
misc: Coral Dies from Avery Elle, Circle Die from QK
Posted at 07:57 PM in Amuse, Avery Elle | Permalink | Comments (0)
Keeping it simple today. I mean, it doesn't get any easier than this people. EVERYONE can make this card...even...GASP! non-stampers! LOLOL
I used those funny little Holiday Grumplings from Taylored Expressions. They are pretty much me all wrapped up in a rubber stamp. Sarcastic = me. Nuff said. 🤪
Alrighty then, I need to jet. Got some stuff to do before I hit the sack. Hope you all have a FABULOUS evening & I will see you tomorrow!
stamps: Holiday Grumplings from Taylored Expressions
inks: Black Momento & Copic Markers
paper: White
misc: Glitter Pen
Posted at 09:36 PM in Taylored Expressions | Permalink | Comments (0)