It was the morning of June 28th. I was playing on the internet, killing time at home since my flight to Montana wasn't leaving until later that afternoon. I had been missing Little, my basset hound, something fierce and decided to look at basset puppies on . Just looking at the pictures would sometimes make me feel better, other times, it would make me miss her more. I had no intention of getting a puppy. None.
Robert and I had come to grips that we were going to wait the required 7 mos before we got another one. We just couldn't go through the heart ache of losing another puppy. Emotionally we were both spent. Still are. We think of Little all the time. We still cry over her. She was such a joy in our lives. I have to stop reminiscing as it is starting to make me tear up. Yep, there goes a couple of tears. Sorry. Let me pull myself together.
Okay. I think I have a grip now.
So, I was looking at puppies. I had clicked on a couple of postings and then went back to the main page. Every time I would go back to the main page, it would refresh with new listings. This happended 4 or 5 times. And then I saw this...
and I had to know more about her. So I went through all her pics...
and let's not forget this one...
I absolutely wanted to know more about her even though I knew it wasn't time. I still had 4 months to go before I could have a puppy. I KNEW THAT. And then I saw her birthday date. May 5, 2013. Exactly 1 month after we lost Little. 1 MONTH. Then I saw where she was located...Oakley, CA. She was in the town right next to my sister. MY SISTER. I had to call on her. I had to. I had to call my Sister. Was this a sign? Was I supposed to have her? My head was spinning with crazy thoughts. I called on her. No wait, Robert called on her first but the breeder didn't answer her phone. Robert left her a message. She called back and I talked to her. She was still available. I looked at Robert and asked "Is she the one? Is this meant to be?" I can't remember if I waited for his answer or not. I had to call my Sister. I had to see if she would take her & keep her for me. She had offered before but I didn't feel right about it. But this, this could be the one!! My wonderful Sister didn't even skip a beat. "Yes, I will keep her for you until you can have her. I just can't pick her up until after Montana."
I... WAS...DYING!!!
I called the breeder back and it was a go. We made all the arrangements, including arrangements for when my Sister could pick her up and the rest is history. I was so excited, I was crying. Complete tittybaby, yep, that was me. She WAS the one. She WAS the one we were supposed to have!!!
So now my Sister has her and I am on pins & needles until I can see her. Hold her. Love her. I will get to meet her for the first time on August 30th. I am beyond excited! This month cannot go fast enough!!
My niece is acting as her Nanny. Feeding her. Carrying her all over the house. Sometimes making sure she gets outside to go potty. And face time. We do a LOT of face time!! LOL
She also sends me the cutest pictures of Gracie (altered of course). Like the one above. How cute is that? Gracie Mae touching noses with her Aunt Chloe (Little's sister). That picture makes my heart flutter. SO CUTE!
And then my Sister sent me this one this past week...
Chloe & Gracie sharing a bed while watching Trina do her farm chores. LOL
I am all twitter-pated to say the least. So is my husband. She is going to be good for us. I just know it.
I also know that she never will & never could, replace Little. She is firmly in our hearts. We will continue to miss her & think of her but maybe, just maybe, Gracie can help ease the pain. That is what I hope for, yearn for. Until she arrives though, I will continue to count the days and look forward to my next picture, face time, update, etc from my Sister & my babys' Nanny. LOL
Hope you enjoyed Gracie's story. Thanks for stopping by!
Posted by: SweetMissDaisy | August 03, 2013 at 06:17 PM